What can we bargain for?

  • FAQ

We are unionizing to have a stronger voice and federally protected right to bargain about issues that matter to us, our colleagues, and our patients. The individual issues are up to us – what do you feel strongly enough about that you would fight for it? More workplace protections? Better benefits? Improved parental leave? Speaking up against the exploitation of housestaff labor? Patient care funds to improve the quality of care?

  • What are we trying to accomplish? What are we trying to win?
    • In the worst of circumstances, we saw what housestaff can accomplish with one day of collective action following the vaccine rollout debacle. In the subsequent year, housestaff won long sought-after retirement benefits (albeit only 40% of what every other employee gets) and limited fertility benefits. Now, imagine what continued, sustained collective action can win โ€“ retirement benefits, better parental leave/childcare policies, affordable housing, educational protectionsโ€ฆ Ultimately, unions are democratic organizations, and what we accomplish depends on what is important to you.
    • See examples of what we could negotiate for!
  • Soโ€ฆ What have other residency unions accomplished?