Share your stories
about why you’re organizing, and why you need a union. Visit our “Why a Union?” page to see the broad strokes, but we want to share how the lack of effective resolution on these issues is impacting housestaff, their families, and their patients directly.
Submissions will be anonymous by default but feel free to include your name/information if you would like it to be attributed. Submissions will be seen by members of the housestaff organizing committee (your co-residents/fellows) and may be posted anonymously (in part or in whole) on this website and/or CIR’s social media (Instagram, Twitter) similar to what University of Washington’s union did leading up to their contract negotiations. If you just need a place to vent check the box below!
Want to help us fix these problems? Get involved in organizing for our union!
Much love,
Your housestaff organizers