πŸŽ‰ It’s election day!

Union ballots are being counted today, May 2!

It’s a good day (to fight the system). Thanks to everyone for all their hard work in getting to this point, and to everyone who voted and participated! Share our vibes with the playlist below. Here’s a brief rundown of how the NLRB vote count process works:

Where is it? Ballots will be counted at the Oakland NLRB office.

Can we watch? Unfortunately the Zoom link will not be public – it’s handled by the NLRB and they don’t want to risk any disturbance to the vote count. Your organizing committee members will be getting regular vote count updates once the afternoon portion starts, so feel free to reach out!

Who’s there? An NLRB agent, and representatives from both parties (SHC and CIR). CIR lawyers will be present.

How long does it take? Hopefully we’ll have a result tonight, but it’s possible it could go longer (potentially ~1500 ballots to read out).

  • Morning: “clearing of the ballots”. This is where ballots are “cleared” (accepted) or “challenged”. The unopened ballots (yellow envelope with signature across the flap) are examined to make sure the ballot is valid. The voter’s name will be read out to be referenced with the list of eligible voters, but the actual vote (yes/no) remains confidential. Some reasons that a ballot could be challenged: voter is not eligible to vote (e.g. no longer works here), signature is invalid (did not follow instructions to sign across the flap), a party challenges that the signature does not match the name of the voter, etc.
  • Afternoon: Vote count. This will start no earlier than 2 PM, but could start later if the morning section takes longer. Ballots are opened and the vote (yes/no) is counted. Votes are anonymous. 

What happens if votes are challenged? You can read more from the NLRB here, but if the number of challenged ballots are sufficient in number to affect the results of the election, the ballots are stored by the NLRB and there will be further hearings. If the number of challenged ballots would not affect the results of the election, the ballots remain sealed.
