What is Federal Mediation?
As of mid-October 2023, bargaining sessions between our union and SHC will be led by a federal mediator. What does federal mediation mean? The negotiating parties (CIR and SHC) will… Read More »What is Federal Mediation?
As of mid-October 2023, bargaining sessions between our union and SHC will be led by a federal mediator. What does federal mediation mean? The negotiating parties (CIR and SHC) will… Read More »What is Federal Mediation?
What: A unity break is where we stand in solidarity with not only our fellow housestaff, but other healthcare workers and community/political allies. A unity break is not a strike or… Read More »What’s a unity break?
Bargaining sessions are currently occurring every other Thursday, alternating between day (12PM – 3PM) and evening (5PM – 8PM). Import our shared calendar here. To get the Zoom link, search… Read More »How do I attend the bargaining meetings?
Our union is only as strong as our members – being a member will add to our collective strength, help us stand up to an employer like Stanford, and allow… Read More »What’s the deal with the membership card?
What’s going on, what’s bargaining, and how does it work? We won and certified our union in May 2022, and are currently gearing up to negotiate our first union contract.… Read More »What does the bargaining process look like?
The intent of status quo is to preserve our current benefits and conditions as a floor (not a ceiling) and prevent unilateral changes made without the consent of the housestaff, but… Read More »My PD told us we can’t make any changes because of ‘status quo’…
CRONA (the nurse’s union at Stanford) has been bargaining for their contract, which expired March 31, 2022. Please see below for the issues they have been bargaining for, including better… Read More »What’s going on with CRONA?
Well, this has been hard to write. As three of the housestaff organizers (Grant, Jessie, and Lawrence), we also served as your GME Council housestaff representatives for the past year.… Read More »Can’t we just go through the normal GME channels?
Organizing a union is all about building community and solidarity. Currently the majority of interactions between housestaff are in the settings of consults and admissions, often in the middle of… Read More »How can we avoid tensions between departments, which already exist in our hospital and are harmful to teamwork?
On 2/22/2022, we demanded voluntary recognition of our union with supermajority (>65%) support (nearly 1000 people signed cards indicating support!) Stanford denied this request, so on 2/24/2022 we filed for… Read More »Wait, what’s happening with this election?